LSH : Load Sign-extended Half-word (and update the pointer)

This instruction extracts one half-word (16 bits) from a given register, emulating the "Load Halfword" instruction of Load-Store architectures. The data is shifted right, according to an offset, and the MSB are filled with the sign bit of the extracted data.

If the target register is a static register, then the offset is zero. If this is the Data register of a PFQ, the 2 LSBs of the associated pointer are used as offset, and the pointer is updated.

Because this instruction can't go beyond a word boundary, only offsets 0, 1 and 2 are valid. Attempts to use an offset of 3 triggers an alignment trap.

For more background information, read the main VSP document.

Syntax examples :

 - FORM_RR         LSH R1 R2
 - FORM_RRX        LSH R2 R1 ?

JavaScript properties of this opcode :

            opcode : LSH
     opcode number : 6Ah
             group : IE
       Description : Load and Sign-extend Half-word
             Forms : RR,RRX
             Flags : READ_SRC2 WRITE_SRC1
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1: vspsim/asm.html version 2006-09-18