JZ : Jump (to destination register) if source register is Zero

If the source register's value (in SRC1/dest) is Zero, the location where the core will execute the next instruction is pointed to by the destination register (in SRC2). Prepare it in advance !

The Imm16 field can be used to XOR the source register with a sign-extended 16-bit immediate value, so the register can also be tested for equality with a signed 16-bit value.

See also the other instructions of the JMP group : JMP, JNZ, JO/JNE/JNO/JE, JS/JNS

Syntax examples :

 - FORM_RR         JZ R1 R2
 - FORM_RIR        JZ R2 1234h R1

JavaScript properties of this opcode :

            opcode : JZ
     opcode number : 52h
             group : JMP
       Description : Jump to dest if source (xor imm16) is zero
             Forms : RR,RIR
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asm form :
hex value :
1: vspsim/asm.html version 2006-09-18