Please read this page from the main YASEP interface
Interactive opcode map Function Group Forms Real Opcode Form Count
version : 2011-11-09

This page is automagically generated by some Javascript code, based on the definitions found in the files of the core-js directory.

The opcodes

Unless otherwise noted in the flags, these opcodes support these 4 forms :
* short register (RR)
* short immediate (4-bit iR)
* Long immediate (16-bit IRR)
* Extended register (RRR) with conditional (RRRRc) and increment features.

Look at forms for a detailed description of the instruction word's structure.

Legend : Preliminary, Optional

Opcode aliases :

Form usage by opcode :

The instruction's "form" reflects the semantics of the instruction. It is the assembler's view of the encoding.

Flag usage by opcode :

The flags contain the informations used by the assembler to transform the semantic into an encoded binary word.