test_loopback.html created by whygee Tue Sep 5 00:42:14 EDT 2006

Loopback test

This page tests some code that lets you "save" some arbitrary data to your computer. Well, it's useless, until these files are generated by JavaScript and you want to keep a trace of things that don't fit in your cookies (BTW, they are limited to 4KB).

One way to save these data is with another method at ../save_as/save_as_open_window.html but it is not always handy. When the computer is online, another solution is to send the data as a POST message and getting the exact same data, but packaged in a browser-friendly way :-)

If the computer can't access the loopback server, then a failsafe code uses the other, ugly method. So at least it should work anywhere, anyhow.


Name of the file :
Data to save :