page created 2005-06-17 by whygee(a)
version : 2007-04-16

This release contains 156 files and roughly 409924 bytes...
current status : Almost OK, the major parts are working (doc/, ISM/, JScore/, JSgui).
OTOH, some old tests are BORK because of a recent major opcode map redesign.

Welcome to this VSP directory.

"VSP" means "Very Simple Processor" (officially) and designates a 32-bit microcontroller that I have imagined, in parallel (and sometimes in contradiction) with the F-CPU project. My first goal is to design something so simple that I can develop it alone, with very little means and efforts. This forces me to make some curious and counter-intuitive decisions so "VSP" might be "Virtual Stupid Past-time" as well.

My other goal is to enable anybody, not just VHDL and CPU architecture gurus, but also computer hobbyists or even students, to understand, use and even participate in this project. So this package is not just a simulator, an assembler, a disassembler, a manual, a development tool, it is all that and more ! Every part is integrated in the others (and vice versa), so the whole is coherent, easy to use and quick to develop (and to maintain, despite but thanks to the messy programming that JavaScript enables).

The only requirement is that Firefox (or any other Gecko-based browser) is installed on your computer : this integrated, all-in-one project heavily relies on Mozilla's JavaScript engine. Supporting other browser's JS engines would make development uselessly painful. Remember that the VSP's philosophy is to make everything so dumb simple (often by choosing unusual methods) that we can concentrate on the real issues of CPU development.

Happy clicking !

Description, documentation and references (/doc directory)

The pages of the Instruction Set Manual of the VSP (/ISM directory)

They can be accessed from anywhere, for example by clicking on the corresponding name in the interactive opcode map or in the floating assembler window. (ok but missing examples)

Various early clickodromes, prototypes and sandboxes (/test directory)




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